Name Role in Program Research Interest
Brennan, Timothy Affiliated Faculty Neural mechanisms for post-operative pain.
Cullen, Laura Affiliated Faculty

Application of implementation science and its impact on a wide variety of EBP topics and patient populations, including pain.

Frey Law, Laura Core Faculty Factors that contribute to pain heterogeneity including: sex, psychological traits, genetics, activity level.  Strength and fatigue research.
Gardner, Sue Core Faculty Wound healing.  Wound infection.  Genomic analyses of microbiota.  Diabetic foot ulcers.  Wound pain. 
Gilbertson-White, Stephanie Junior Nursing Faculty Biobehavioral Responses to Symptom Appraisals in Patients with Advanced Cancer.  Hospice and palliative Care.
Hammond, Donna Affiliated Faculty Neurochemical and molecular mechanisms of persistent inflammatory or neuropathic pain.  Migraine.  Brainstem control of spinal neurotransmission.
Hanrahan, Kirsten Affiliated Faculty Development and testing of interventions to improve pain management in pediatrics.  Comparative effectiveness of implementation strategies to best integrate interventions that improve outcomes related to pediatric pain in clinical practice.
Herr, Keela Project Director and Senior Nursing Faculty End of life pain management.  Pain assessment and measurement.  Promoting evidence-based practices.
Kleiber, Charmaine Core Faculty Pediatric pain.  Translating research to practice.
McCarthy, Ann Marie Project Director and Seniro Nursing Faculty Pediatric procedural pain: distraction.  Pediatric pain: predictive modeling.  Risk for distress with procedural pain application.
Murray, Jeffrey Affiliated Faculty Use of genome-wide association, linkage and sequencing approaches.   Phenotype and genotype measurement in relation to pain.
Pennathur, Priyadarshini Affiliated Faculty Health care and information systems.  Human factor engineering related to pain.
Rakel, Barbara Core Faculty Pain management in older adults.  Non-pharmacologic pain interventions.  Persistent postoperative pain.  Hyperalgesia.  Evidence-Based Practice.  Acute Care.
Ray, James Affiliated Faculty Clinical pain management.  Palliative care.
Sanders, Sara Affiliated Faculty Caregiving.  End-stage dementia care.  Hospice care, including pain.
Sluka, Kathleen Senior Faculty Basic science mechanisms underlying musculoskeletal pain.  Analgesia provided by non-pharmacological treatments such as TENS and exercise.
Smith, Marianne Core Faculty Common late life psychiatric problems including depression, anxiety, and dementia.  Use of collaborative care models to treat of comorbid conditions, including pain, using interdisciplinary approaches.  Innovative training models to promote use of best practices/evidence-based geropsychiatric practices and knowledge transfer. 
St.Marie, Barbara Junior Nursing Faculty Pain with emphasis on substance abuse disorders.
Swegle, John Affiliated Faculty Pharmacologic management of pain.  Pain management at EOL.
Thomsen, Timothy Affiliated Faculty Pain and associated symptoms in chronic and terminal patients.
Tripp-Reimer, Toni Senior Faculty Ethnicity and health behaviors in pain.  Ethnogerontology.  Self-care.  Chronic illness.  Qualitative methods.
Williams, Kristine Senior Faculty Effective and person-centered communication.  Non-pharmacological interventions in dementia symptoms, including pain.  Telehealth interventions to support family caregivers of persons with dementia.
Zimmerman, M. Bridget Affiliated Faculty Statistician, Pain in children.  Postoperative pain in older adults.